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Residence Life and Housing Posting & Weekly Email Approval Request
Please fill out this form if you would like to place a flier in Residence Life's weekly emails to residents and/or if you'd like to have a physical flier hung up in the residence halls. If you have questions or concerns, you can reach out to Assistant Director Nickole Watson at
Please read the Residence Life & Housing Posting, Solicitation, and Distribution Policies here:
Your full name:
Your WSU email address:
Wright State University Department or Organization:
Select all that apply:
I am requesting approval to have physical fliers hung up in the residence halls
I am request for a digital flier to be included in the weekly email to residential students
Please upload your flier for approval here. Please upload as either a png or jpg.
Are you sure you want to permanently remove "" from this field?
If requesting to include your digital flier in our weekly email, please type out an alternate text for us to include with the image.
Please include any questions/comments you may have or hyperlinks to include with your image: